Hi! Thank you for subscribing - it is so good to have you here! What does it mean to live a life undefined?
Well, we all subscribe to a series of definitions — I am a woman, a sister, a daughter, a wife, a lawyer, an artist, someone who aspires to call herself a runner but doesn’t, a yogi, a meditator, a friend, and more — but we often get caught in the conditioned version of these definitions. How is a "woman” supposed to act? How about a “lawyer”? We have preconceived notions of our definitions and sometimes those preconceived notions get in the way of living our life most authentically.
It is perfectly natural to subscribe to definitions. As humans, we like to belong to something. But when we let the definitions dominate and overtake our intuition, we may find ourselves out of alignment and stuck. I used to be totally out of alignment. And very stuck. I was burnt out, unhappy, and far from living authentically. After a ton of “inner work” (that included spending time in the forest, journaling, a lot of therapy, accepting my “shadow” self, experimenting with various plant medicines, getting a bunch of tattoos, and more that I’ll leave for another day), I realized that the key to living most in alignment was to create a looser attachment to my definitions.
The purpose of this Substack is to explore my process of detaching. To explore how I live a life undefined. All in the hopes of helping others reflect on how they may be able to live more in alignment and less attached to the definitions that society conditions us to subscribe to.
I am still experimenting with the structure of this Substack, but for now, I plan to post three times a month:
(1) Reflection and insights, containing journal prompts and likely my thoughts about the universe, “energy,” and giant trees;
(2) Photography that aims to tell a story;
(3) A list of moments of joy from either myself or a guest.
My posts will come directly into your inbox or through the Substack app (highly recommend, especially if you live your life without instagram like I do) and you can reply to the e-mail with any thoughts or feedback, or you can comment on the post directly on Substack.
Again, thank you for being here. I so appreciate you.
If you want to know a bit more about me, you can visit me on LinkedIn (yes, I’m a lawyer), follow me on twitter (especially if you like crypto), or check out my photography.
Some housekeeping…
Now, because I am somewhat attuned to the legalities of e-mail subscriber lists, you can stop hearing from me by clicking the tiny little text that says, "unsubscribe," at the bottom of this beautiful e-mail that you will be so sad to never see again.
If you've made it this far, I hope you'll continue to allow me to pop in every now and then. Also, I appreciate any and all feedback...i.e., tell me if you think this isn't fun to read.
Thanks again, and please tell a few friends if you feel like it.
This is so exciting. Looking forward to your posts. 🙏❤️🙏❤️