Today I share my conversation with EB Meerson, a high school teacher and founder of Maison de Meerson, a personal styling consulting service for people size 16+ who reclaim the label "fat."
Challenges of being a first generation American
EB's near death experience and how that sparked deep gratitude for her body
Holding trauma in the body
Diet culture and systems of supremacy
How "beauty" has been replaced by "health"
Reclaiming the label "fat"
EB's personal styling consulting company
How being a teacher is a mirror
Sabrina Strings Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia
Christy Harrison's article COVID-19 Does Not Discriminate by Body Weight
List of EB's recommended Instagram accounts to follow: @gabifresh @yrfatfriend @thebodyisnotanapology @roseybeeme @theplusbus @modachrome @therealmrskelley @marielle.elizabeth @itsmekellieb @thisisjessicatorres
As always, thank you to Maytav Koter and Spencer Stewart for the music on my podcast. And to Laura Strohbusch for the podcast graphic.
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